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Online Monitoring Services


 Each of our scalable online monitoring services works perfectly by itself, or in combination with any others to provide you with all-round brand protection tailored to your exact needs

Is your brand a victim of counterfeiting or product piracy? Do your authorised distribution channels leak and create grey market structures? Are any sellers infringing on your copyrights?


Find out how we can solve these issues and many more for you with monitoring of over 150 marketplaces worldwide.


To our marketplace monitoring 

Has somebody registered a domain in your brand’s name, infringing on your trademark? Do you face issues like cybersquatting and fake shops? Is someone using your brand name on their website, or impersonating your brand without authorisation?  


We can solve these problems and more with domain monitoring on various levels, tailored to your exact requirements.


To our domain monitoring


Who uses your copyrighted images online without your permission? Do you face threats like forgeries or leaks within your distribution networks on domains, marketplaces and social media platforms?


Our service combines automated tools and expert advice to monitor the web for identical and similar images that infringe on your copyrights.


To our image monitoring 

Is anybody infringing your IP rights on social media, including user accounts, ads, marketplaces and groups? 


If your answer is yes, our service offers fast, flexible, and highly scalable monitoring on all major platforms, tailored exactly to your needs.


To our social media monitoring 

Are you experiencing trademark violations and copyright infringement by certain smartphone applications? Is an app using your IP-protected content without authorisation?


Our service solves these problems and more for you in 30+ app stores.


To our app monitoring 

Would you like to find out which seller is dominating sales, how much revenue can be linked to your brand name, or which type of your products are selling the most?


Our marketplace sales tracking provides you with in-depth insights into each seller’s and product’s performance on various online marketplaces.


To our marketplace sales tracking 

Do you have specific brand protection requirements that cannot be solved with automated monitoring? Or do you want to find more detailed background information on sellers, supply chains and the origin of IP infringements?


Our brand protection experts carry out trained OSINT research for you, including comprehensive documentation.


To our OSINT research service 

Contact us

We look forward to finding a suitable solution for your challenges together with you.


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